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Displaying 121 - 140 of 284

General Mills to Disclose GMOs

EWG applauds General Mills for disclosing the presence of GMOs on their products.

The Defeat of the DARK Act is a Win for Consumers

In a major win for consumers, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) failed to earn the votes he needed to stop debate on a bill known to opponents as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK Act.

New Draft of Senate’s DARK Act Blocks Consumers’ Right to Know

Today, Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kans.) filed the latest version of a bill known by opponents as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK Act, which the full Senate will likely consider this week.

Sen. Merkley Introduces GMO Labeling Bill that Consumers and Food Industry Can Support

EWG applauds Sen. Jeff Merkley (D- Ore.) for introducing a common-sense approach to GMO labeling that both the food industry and consumer groups can support.

Statement of EWG’s Scott Faber on Passage of DARK Act by Senate Agriculture Committee

The Environmental Working Group issued the following statement today after the Senate Agriculture Committee narrowly passed a version of the House-adopted Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK Act...

Senate Introduces New DARK Act

Today Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) introduced draft legislation intended to preempt state GMO labeling laws.

Study: Monsanto’s Glyphosate Most Heavily Used Weed-Killer in History

Monsanto's signature herbicide glyphosate, first marketed as “Roundup,” is now the most widely and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture in both the U.S. and globally...

EWG's Dietary Guidelines Give Straight Facts, No Spin

EWG's new Dietary Guidelines give people solid nutrition advice and highlight the shortcomings of the Obama administration's Dietary Guidelines for Americans released earlier this month, which were...

EWG Applauds Campbell Soup for GMO Labeling Decision

Campbell Soup should be applauded for its leadership and support of mandatory GMO labeling, according to Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president of government affairs.

Dietary Guidelines Fail to Recommend Less Meat Consumption

The federal government's new Dietary Guidelines miss a key opportunity to steer Americans toward a diet that is healthier and better for the environment by not clearly recommending that people reduce...

EWG Applauds Exclusion of Anti-GMO Labeling Rider in Omnibus

EWG applauded the rejection today by congressional leaders of efforts by the food industry to block GMO labeling through a rider in the omnibus spending bill.

Obama Administration Reverses Approval of Dow AgroSciences Weed-Killer Over Environmental Risks

In a stunning reversal, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has retreated from its earlier decision to let Dow AgroSciences market a new weed killer, branded Enlist Duo, which the company...

GMO Salmon Approval Leaves Consumers In The Dark

The Food and Drug Administration's decision to approve genetically modified salmon will still leave consumers in the dark about what's in their food, underscoring the need for a mandatory, national...

EWG’s Heather White Wins Sustainability Prize

EWG Executive Director Heather White has been named one of Green Building & Design Magazine's Top 20 Women in Sustainability Leadership.

Scores of Baked Goods Contain Possible Cancer-Causing Additive

A new analysis by Environmental Working Group has found potassium bromate, a possible cancer-causing food additive, in more than 86 breads and other baked goods, including such well-known products as...

Big Food Companies Spend Millions to Defeat GMO Labeling

Federal lobby disclosure forms from big food and biotechnology companies, and their trade groups opposed to mandatory GMO labeling reveal a surge in lobbying expenditures during the first half of 2015...

DARK Act Passes but Fight for Americans’ Right to Know Far From Over

Legislation dubbed the Deny Americans the Right to Know, or DARK, Act, passed the House of Representatives today, but the fight for a more transparent food industry is only just beginning, EWG's Scott...

Voters in Six Key States Overwhelmingly Favor Mandatory GMO Food Labeling

New surveys show that citizens in six key states overwhelmingly support mandatory labeling for foods containing genetically modified organisms, known as GMOs.

Ag Committee Advances Anti-GMO Labeling Bill

Advocates for mandatory GMO labeling today denounced the House Agriculture Committee's vote to approve legislation that has come to be known as the Deny Americans the Right to Know (or DARK) Act...

Anti-GMO Labeling Bill Just Keeps Getting DARKer

This week the House Agriculture Committee is expected to mark up and vote on a bill that would take away the right of states to label food with genetically modified ingredients, or GMOs. According to...

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