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Displaying 201 - 220 of 280

Corn Ethanol Subsidy: A Losing Proposition

Craig Cox, Environmental Working Group senior vice-president wrote the following op-ed in today's (March 25) Des Moines Register. Cox manages EWG's agriculture programs from our Ames, IA office.

USDA Needs To Deliver Tough Love To Ethanol Industry

Lobbyists for the corn-ethanol and the “advanced” biofuels industry had a meeting yesterday (March 21) organized by the United States Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Development to “discuss...

What’s That You’re Putting in Your Tank?

The government's decision to allow sale of gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol, so-called E15 gasoline, means that one of these days we'll likely be pulling into gas stations that could...

Gingrich for Free Markets (Except for Corn Ethanol)

The Iowa caucuses are more than a year away but potential 2012 presidential hopefuls are already parachuting into corn country to pander to Big Ag. Perennially coy Newt Gingrich is only the latest to...

EPA Approves Wider Use of Destructive Corn Ethanol

Here's who lost out today (Jan. 21) when the Environmental Protection Agency decided to allow the use of fuel containing up to 15 percent ethanol (E15) in any gas-powered car or truck built since 2001...

Whose Freedom is Growth Energy Fueling?

A group of corn ethanol producers is mounting an aggressive campaign they call their “Fueling Freedom Plan” that would have taxpayers spend scarce resources on biofuels pipelines, gas station pumps...

Top 10 Reasons Why Congress Should Say NO to the Ethanol Tax Credit

Rumors are flying that the lame duck Congress will attach an extension of the so-called ethanol “blender's tax credit” to a bill to extend the Bush-era income tax cuts as part of a broader deal. Here...

Another Ethanol Earmark: Bringing Home the Bacon

On Wednesday (Dec 1), 15 senators from Corn Belt states sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Reid and Minority Leader McConnell asking them to extend the ethanol tax credits and tariff protection...

Tepid Tea for Corn Ethanol Subsidy Backers

Tea party backers, environmental groups, faith-based organizations, and the bulk of the U.S. meat and dairy industry joined forces today, calling on Congressional leaders to eliminate a wasteful...

The Corn Ethanol Bridge has Become a Destination

Eight years ago, there were 61 plants producing ethanol to blend with gasoline in the United States; today there are about 200. Eight years ago, 13 percent of those plants used a feedstock other than...

NASCAR Gasses Up on Corn Ethanol - For a Price

In a fall season rife with bad news for the corn ethanol industry, its lobby has been hyping a new partnership with NASCAR. According to USA Today, NASCAR CEO and chairman Brian France announced the...

Join EWG to talk school lunch

Ann Cooper isn't called "The Renegade Lunch Lady" for nothing. She calls it like it is, and she can because she's been there -- in the kitchens, in the schools, with the kids.

USDA Pushes Advanced Biofuels But Clings to Corn

Even as it announced several initiatives to promote development of advanced biofuels, the Obama Administration made clear Thursday (Oct. 21) that it's not prepared to let go of corn ethanol and other...

Craven Corn

Hopes for comprehensive legislation to combat climate pollution evaporated Thursday (July 22) after months of wrangling in the Senate. In its place Senate leaders are proposing what is being billed as...

Biomass Power Can't Get Its Story Straight

As AgMag noted the other day, Massachusetts has decided to rewrite its rules for renewable energy to exclude electric-only power plants that would burn biomass, often in the form of whole trees. Ian A...

More Potential Giveaways to Ethanol in Energy Bill

In an bid to garner support for legislation to address the looming danger of climate change, Midwest senators are reportedly pressing to attach a long-term extension of biofuel tax breaks to a Senate...

Nitrogen Fertilizer's Toll: Not Just Dead Zones

Last week began with a front page story in the San Francisco Chronicle (July 5) detailing the links between increased fertilizer run-off due to corn ethanol production in the Mississippi River Basin...

Massachusetts Sees the Light on Biomass Power

In a sharp about-face, Massachusetts officials have decided that biomass-fueled, electric-only power plants do not qualify as renewable energy sources because of the growing awareness that these...

$600 Million for BP -- Courtesy of US Taxpayers

2010 won't be all lemons for BP. Sure, the company will be best remembered for blowout preventers, top kill and Tony Hayward, but along the way the oil giant stands to make a killing from its...

Did They Really Say That? See for Yourself.

Life would be so much easier for biomass industry executives if they didn't have to worry about their own words.
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