chemical information
Chemical Class:

Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE)

Chemical SubClass

Found in these people:

not found

Found in these locations:

not found


In PBDE chemical family - fire retardant in furniture foam, computers, televisions; may harm brain development and hormone systems.

PBDE-2 has been found in 0 of the 20 people tested in EWG/Commonweal studies.

Top health concerns for PBDE-2 (References)

health concern or target organ weight of evidence
Reproduction and fertilityunknown
Brain and nervous systemunknown

Results for PBDE-2

in breast milk (lipid weight)

Showing results from EWG Study #2, flame retardants in breast milk

EWG/Commonweal results

  • found in 0 of 20 people in the group

found in 0 of 20 people

Detailed toxicity classifications (References)

classification governing entity/references
Reproductive effects - weight of evidence unknown/unassessedMcDonald, T. A. (2002). A perspective on the potential health risks of PBDEs. Chemosphere 46: 11.
Nervous system toxicity - weight of evidence unknown/unassessedViberg, H., Fredriksson, A., Jakobsson, E., Orn, U., Eriksson, P. (2003). Neurobehavioral derangements in adult mice receiving decabrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE 209) during a defined period of neonatal brain development. Toxicol Sci 76(1): 112-20.